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Board Elections-Apply by Nov 5th!

October 26, 2019 - November 5, 2019

Event Description

***Attention Bent Tree Village 1 residents ***

This December, there are 3 board seats that will be up for election. Those seats are currently filled by:
Bob Zack
Paul Cunningham
Kendra Brown

Bob and Paul have both decide that they will not be running for another term, Kendra will be re-running for an additional term. These 3 board seats will have a term of 2 years, effective Jan 1, 2020.

We would like to encourage any of our Bent Tree Village 1 residents, that may be interested in serving on the board, to submit a short bio to be included in the annual mailing that will be sent out next month to all of our residents. This will also place your name on the ballot for the upcoming election.

Elections will take place by mail and at the Annual Meeting in December of 2019. If you are interested in joining the Bent Tree Village HOA Board and would like to be included on the Voting Form please submit a bio telling the nominating committee a little bit about yourself and why you would like to serve on the board. Please include all other boards and organizations that you sit on or are actively involved with. All Bios are due no later than Nov 5, 2019 in order for them to be included in the annual mailing packet to all homeowners.

Please submit all information to You can also mail or drop off requested information to: Christine Gillette’s attention at Progressive Community Management at: 3701 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota, FL 342239.

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Board,
Bent Tree HOA Nominating Committee

Event Details

Event Dates & Times
October 26, 2019 - November 5, 2019

Event Venue

Event Organizer
Bent Tree Village HOA Board

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